


是的! 火博体育官网是西部本科生交流项目(WUE)的一部分。. WUE程序率 is st和ard for all participating schools: 150% of in-state resident 学费.

访问我们的 Western Interstate Commission for Higher Education (WICHE) website 看看你是否有资格.

你的 T-Bird门户网站 你能在线访问火博体育官网吗. 在门户中,您可以访问您的火博体育官网电子邮件Canvas Online Classroom, NelNet Payment 门户网站, 和 Self-Service Banner 9 where you can add 和 drop courses 和 see your grades online among other tools 和 resources.

To login for the first time you will need your student ID (A#), date of birth, 和 你社会安全号码的最后四位. 您将收到一个新的登录 ID,您将创建一个新密码.

You can find more detailed 信息 on the T-BirdWeb门户 using this link.

If you need to update your verification settings, you need to 电子邮件 Tbirdwebsupport@cai56b.com 寻求帮助. 在 电子邮件 body please include your student A#, full 名字, phone number 和 message stating you need to update your verification 电话号码 和/or 电子邮件.

We suggest once you are able to login, go in 到你的 account settings 和 add a second 和/或第三种形式的验证.

秋天夏天 报名通常在4月中旬开始. 春天 注册通常在11月中旬开始. 咨询火博体育官网 校历 具体日期.

There are videos available to show you the registration process. 点击这里 去看看!

1. 你需要访问你的 T-Bird门户网站.
2. Once logged in 到你的 portal, click on Student Self-Service Banner 9.
3. 单击添加或删除课程.
4. 点击注册课程.
5. 选择正确的术语.
To 添加 一个课程:

You can search classes by Subject or by typing in a Keyword/CRN #. 一旦你找到 你需要的课程,点击添加. 一旦你添加了所有你想要的类, 单击submit. 这将为您注册您选择的课程. (注意:您 should check your Student Profile to make sure all classes you registered for are 显示. 并不是所有的课程都可以在网上注册. 有些课程需要讲师 批准和/或先决条件要求. 请联系帮助台了解更多信息 信息.)

To 下降/退出 从课程中:

遵循上述步骤(1-5). 在搜索条件页面中,您将 be able to view all of the courses you are registered for the selected term. 在 lower left Summary Box, you then select drop/withdraw under the action tab, 和 then 单击submit. (Note: there are specific terms 和 dates to follow on dropping/withdrawing 添加课程. 具体说明请参见校历.)

You can print a copy of your unofficial transcripts through your T-BirdWeb门户. Simply login, go 到你的 Student Self-Service Banner 9, click on Student Profile, 然后选择成绩单.

You can also request official 和 unofficial transcripts through 全国学生信息交流中心. No paper requests are accepted, 和 any phone calls requesting transcripts will 被引导到在线订购网站. 

以确保 你的订单通过了,你 必须签署 网上无纸化同意书. 如果你在申请成绩单方面需要帮助 订单,点击 成绩单订购帮助 link at the bottom of the 页面 or contact the National Student Clearinghouse at 703-742-4200.

If you haven't already taken a placement test (ACT, SAT, or Accuplacer), potential 火博体育官网 students are allowed to take the Accuplacer at the 火博体育官网 测试中心,第一次尝试免费. 后 the first free attempt, re-takes are $5 per section, 和 to retake the entire 评估,15美元.

Accuplacer评估数学、英语和阅读能力. The test is 要求 for students who have not previously taken a placement test 和 who have not taken their first college level math 和 English courses.

The testing center will proctor Accuplacer Monday through Friday 8AM-5PM. 拜访他们 网站设置您的测试预约. 照片的身份证的 (驾驶执照,带照片的学生证等.) 要求 测试.

我们也提供在线监考. 填写我们网站上可用的凭证 在线监督 页面. You will then receive 信息 from College Board with your next steps. 该选项与火博体育官网无关. 我们不接受付款,也不为您安排预约.

If you were dropped from one or all of your classes (without you personally initiating the drop), there are two possibilities of why this happened.

你的课程可能会被取消. 如果这是原因,你就会 通过您的火博体育官网电子邮件收到了电子邮件通知.

Secondly, it is likely that the 48 hour window of payment opportunity passed. 后 48 hours from registration, if payment is not made (either paid in full, payment plan set up, or financial aid finalized 和 in place), the registration system will automatically 把你从课程中清除出去.

你可以重新注册你的课程. 您可以在网上这样做,或者您可以联系帮助 桌子上. Once you have registered again, you can pay in full at the cashier's window 在本·亚历山大. 或者你可以去Nelnet,通过你的 T-BirdWeb门户, 建立你的付款计划.

To be able to see your unofficial, online student records, you must first have access 到你的 T-Bird门户网站.

1. 后 successfully logging in到你的 T-Bird门户网站, click on Self-Service Banner 9.
2. 在学生服务页面下,点击学生简介.
3. 点击成绩单.
4. Under transcript level you can select "All Levels"; 和 under transcript 类型 select “网络." You will be able to access Academic "unofficial" transcripts 和 grades.
更新 address电话号码 信息:
1. 登入你的 T-Bird门户网站
2. 点击自助服务横幅9
3. 点击学生简介
4. 点击我的个人信息
5. You can then update 添加resses 和 Phones 和 insert new 信息 according to the 类型
改变你的 名字:
1. 登入你的 T-Bird门户网站
2. 点击自助服务横幅9
3. 单击“学生”,然后单击“表单”
4. 填写个人信息变更

An enrollment verification form is a form that shows current semester dates, enrollment 状态、姓名和地址信息. 有时会使用注册验证 as proof for insurance discounts or 学费 reimbursement from employers.

接收 an Enrollment Verification form, see anyone in the Registrar's Office or 电子邮件asknmjc@cai56b.com.

1. 登录您的T-Bird网站门户
2. 点击自助服务横幅9
3. 单击“学生”,然后单击“表单”
4. 请填写大额变更单
Due to FERPA (Family Rights 和 Privacy Act of 1974) laws, any student over the age of 18 must give permission to any parties seeking access to academic records. 接收 permission the student must initiate the completion of the Student Release of Information 请求. 此表格可从火博体育官网帮助台获得. 
你可以用这个找到居住信息 link, you will find 要求 documentation 和 contact 信息 to get your 信息 更新.
在地区居民: Lea County residents that have resided in the county at least 90 consecutive days, 或者毕业于利亚县高中.
然而当地居民: New Mexico residents that have resided in the state for at least 12 consecutive months 在登记之前,但住在利亚县以外.
135英里半径内的德州居民: 火博体育官网 offers our out of district rate to Texas students that fall within 135 miles 来自我们的火博体育官网校园. This is an automatic process according to the student's admissions 信息.

You can utilize our new 学位工作 Responsive Dashboard available on your T-BirdWeb 门户网站. 如果你在旧的学位计划下,请联系 咨询/建议 部门.

接收 a degree plan for a specific program, contact or visit the 火博体育官网 帮助台, 或查看我们的具体 项目页面.

  1. 应用 网上毕业
  2. 访问我们的 毕业后的页面 有关典礼资料
  3. 参加毕业彩排和毕业典礼




8 am-5pm


(575) 492-2577



